A weekend of songs and scenes from new musicals in development by the professional musical theatre writers group at MTC. The Festival of New Musicals will introduce these writers and their musicals, offering a window into the creative process.

Three different performances featuring different musicals in three stages of development... 

Tickets: $15 per event / Save 20% on a Weekend Pass for all three events

Friday, June 16 at 8pm

Songs from six new musicals in the first stage of development featuring work from Beth Blatt, Robin Chung, Kevin Connors, Mary Feinsinger, Jenny Giering, Joan Ross Sorkin and Clay Zambo

Saturday, June 17 at 2pm

Scenes with Songs from four musicals in the next stages of development featuring work from Beth Blatt, Bob Christianson, Randy Klein, Bill Nabel, Joan Ross Sorkin and Clay Zambo

Saturday, June 17 at 8pm

Acts from two musicals currently being workshopped featuring work from Beth Blatt, Lizzie Hagstedt, Jeffrey Lodin, Bill Nabel and William Squier

Tickets: $15 per event / Save 20% on a Weekend Pass for all three events