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Nick Behson is 15 years old and has been doing musical theatre for a few years. As well as being vocally experienced, Nick also plays 5 instruments. He has never done a show at MTC, but he’s seen 3 shows here, and he’s really excited to be a part of this! 

Coach: Nicolas Dromard

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For the last 20 years, Nicolas has been singing, dancing and acting all over the world, from Broadway to Norway. He was last seen as Billy Lawlor at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster, PA. Broadway: Bert in Mary Poppins, Tommy DeVito in Jersey BoysThe Boy From Oz, Oklahoma!. Regional: Don Lockwood in Singin' in the Rain, Fiyero in Wicked (San Francisco Cast), Phil Davis in White Christmas,Tulsa in Gypsy,  HairsprayMamma MiaWest Side Story. He thanks the great team at the Talent House, his parents for always supporting him, and loves his new starring role of Father to Zélia Dromard with the incredible Desirée Davar Dromard., ig: ndromard

Chosen Charity:

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